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- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Debug Info sent to serial port
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; by Bruce Abbott 11-Jun-97
- ;
- ; NOTE: If you want to redirect the serial output, execute eg.
- ;
- ; run >nil: sushi >"con:50/50/400/160/sushi /auto" NOPROMPT
- ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; types supported %ld = 32 bit signed decimal
- ; %lx = 32 bit hex
- ; %lc = 32 bit char (eg 'ILBM')
- ; %d = 16 bit signed decimal
- ; %x = 16 bit hex
- ; %c = 8 bit character
- ; %s = string pointer (string ends with NULL)
- ;
- ; modifiers 0 = leading spaces for decimal, 0's for hex
- ; (1-9) = max number of characters in number
- ;
- ;
- ; parameters anything that can be source for 'move.l' instruction
- ;
- ; example bug <"decimal=%03ld, hex=$%03lx">,#27,#$0000001B
- ;
- ; prints:- 'decimal= 27, hex=$01b'
- ;
- ;
- Bug MACRO "text",parm1,parm2,parm3,parm4,parm5,parm6,parm7,parm8
- IFD debug
- ifnc "","\9"
- move.l \9,-(sp)
- endc
- ifnc "","\8"
- move.l \8,-(sp)
- endc
- ifnc "","\7"
- move.l \7,-(sp)
- endc
- ifnc "","\6"
- move.l \6,-(sp)
- endc
- ifnc "","\5"
- move.l \5,-(sp)
- endc
- ifnc "","\4"
- move.l \4,-(sp)
- endc
- ifnc "","\3"
- move.l \3,-(sp)
- endc
- ifnc "","\2"
- move.l \2,-(sp)
- endc
- bsr bugprintf
- add.w #(narg-1)*4,sp
- bra.s .bugend\@
- .bugtext\@:
- dc.b \1,0
- even
- .bugend\@:
- IFD debug
- IFND _LVORawPutChar
- _LVORawPutChar = -516
- ; do NOT include debugs.i before your startup code!
- wrongplace:
- moveq #-1,d0
- rts ; abort if start of program!
- bugprintf:
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
- move.l 60(sp),a2 ; point to string (after bsr bugprintf)
- addq.w #6,a2
- lea 64(sp),a3 ; point to parameters on stack
- move.l 4.w,a6
- .rawloop:
- move.b (a2)+,d0 ; get next char in formatting string
- beq .done
- moveq #0,d4
- cmp.b #'%',d0 ; type id ?
- bne .print
- .gettype:
- move.b (a2)+,d0
- beq .done
- cmp.b #'0',d0
- beq.s .lead0
- cmp.b #'9',d0
- bhi.s .type
- sub.b #'0',d0
- move.b d0,d4
- bra.s .gettype
- .lead0:
- bset #31,d4 ; flag LEADING ZEROS
- bra.s .gettype
- .type:
- cmp.b #'s',d0 ; string ?
- beq .dostring
- move.b d0,d5 ; d5 = last char
- cmp.b #'l',d0
- bne.s .dotype
- bset #30,d4 ; flag LONG SIZE
- .donum:
- move.b (a2)+,d0 ; get type after 'l'
- beq .done
- .dotype:
- cmp.b #'x',d0 ; hex ?
- beq .hex
- cmp.b #'d',d0 ; decimal ?
- beq.s .dec
- cmp.b #'c',d0
- beq.s .char
- bra .print ; unsupported type so just print it
- .char:
- move.l (a3)+,d0
- cmp.b #'l',d5
- bne .print ; longword char ?
- subq.w #1,d4
- bmi.s .nolen
- move.w d4,d2
- bra.s .charloop
- .nolen:
- moveq #3,d2 ; default 4 chars
- .charloop:
- rol.l #8,d0
- jsr _LVORawPutChar(a6)
- dbf d2,.charloop
- bra .rawloop
- .dec:
- tst.w d4
- bne.s .declen
- move.w #10,d4 ; default 10 digits
- .declen:
- move.l (a3)+,d3 ; get number
- btst #30,d4
- bne.s .declong
- ext.l d3
- .declong:
- tst.l d3
- bmi.s .negative
- neg.l d3
- bra.s .firstdig
- .negative
- moveq #'-',d0
- jsr _LVORawPutChar(a6)
- .firstdig:
- lea .dectab(pc),a4
- moveq #9,d5
- .getdiv:
- move.l (a4)+,d2 ; get divisor
- beq.s .lastdig
- moveq #-1,d0
- .div10:
- add.l d2,d3
- dbgt d0,.div10
- sub.l d2,d3
- addq.w #1,d0 ; d0 = -digit
- neg.b d0
- add.b #'0',d0 ; d0 = char
- cmp.w d4,d5
- bhi.s .skipdec
- btst #29,d4 ; printed a digit yet ?
- bne.s .printd
- cmp.b #'0',d0
- bne.s .printdec
- btst #31,d4 ; leading spaces ?
- beq.s .skipdec
- moveq #' ',d0 ; lead space
- bra.s .printd
- .printdec:
- bset #29,d4
- .printd:
- jsr _LVORawPutChar(a6)
- .skipdec:
- subq.w #1,d5
- bra.s .getdiv
- .lastdig:
- neg.b d3
- .zero:
- add.b #'0',d3
- move.b d3,d0
- bra.s .print
- .hex:
- btst #30,d4
- bne.s .hexlong
- tst.w d4
- bhi.s .hexword
- move.w #4,d4 ; default 4 digits in hex word
- .hexword:
- moveq #3,d2
- move.l (a3)+,d5
- swap d5
- bra.s .hexloop
- .hexlong
- tst.w d4
- bhi.s .gethexlong
- move.w #8,d4 ; default 8 digits in hex longword
- .gethexlong:
- moveq #7,d2
- move.l (a3)+,d5
- .hexloop:
- rol.l #4,d5
- move.w d5,d0
- and.w #$000f,d0
- move.b .hextab(pc,d0.w),d0
- cmp.w d4,d2
- bhs.s .skiphex
- cmp.b #'0',d0 ; '0' ?
- bne.s .printhex
- btst #31,d4 ; leading 0's wanted ?
- beq.s .skiphex
- .printhex:
- bset #31,d4
- jsr _LVORawPutChar(a6)
- .skiphex:
- dbf d2,.hexloop
- bra .rawloop
- .dostring:
- move.l (a3)+,d5
- beq.s .strdone
- exg d5,a2
- .strloop:
- move.b (a2)+,d0
- beq.s .strdone
- jsr _LVORawPutChar(a6)
- bra.s .strloop
- .strdone:
- exg d5,a2
- bra .rawloop
- .print:
- jsr _LVORawPutChar(a6)
- bra .rawloop
- .done:
- movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
- rts
- .hextab:
- dc.b "0123456789abcdef"
- .dectab:
- dc.l 100000000
- dc.l 10000000
- dc.l 1000000
- dc.l 100000
- dc.l 10000
- dc.l 1000
- dc.l 100
- dc.l 10
- dc.l 0
- cnop 0,4